Camp Chatawa


Ages 2nd-9th grade


Session 1: June 9th - 14th

Session 2: June 23rd - 28th

Hello, and welcome to Camp Chatawa!

 â€‚    Established in 2021 with inspiration from Father Mark Beard, Camp Chatawa is a warm, supportive, and Christian summer camp where campers and staff members are invited to encounter Jesus, be surrounded by His creations, experience a fun and vibrant Catholic youth community, and be challenged deeply as they grow to know, love, and serve God and their neighbor. At Camp Chatawa, we nourish the development of lasting, faith-filled friendships, by being honest, supportive, authentic, respectful, loving, and understanding. All campers and staff are encouraged to use their unique, God given gifts to work with others as a team in order to accomplish great things. Opportunities are also given to develop leadership skills by being role models to all participating in camp activities, and by spending the summer at one of the most beautiful places around,  Our Lady of Hope Catholic Retreat Center!

      Guided by Catholic faith, and continuing Father Mark's vision, every summer over 50 staff members and hundreds of campers are provided a fun and engaging overnight camping experience where they learn new skills, grow in their faith, increase confidence, develop friendships, and deepen relationships, with one another and with Jesus. Registration includes: room and board, one camper shirt, a shirt to tie dye, and all of the daily activities! Days and nights are filled with activities such as hiking, water hikes, canoeing, paddle boating, hay rides, indoor and outdoor games, arts and crafts, our Totus Tuus prayer station / Mary garden, and of course relaxing in our swimming Oasis! Each day is a different theme. You can find campers and staff dressed in neon, ready for a Glow Party, wearing accessories from their favorite decade ready for intense games of Minute to Win it,  or donned in clothing to match the Camp Theme! Our session begins with Holy Mass led by Father Miles Walsh, and ends with a beautiful performance led by our campers for their parents. At any point in the day,  campers and counselors can also be found shooting hoops in our state of the art gymnasium, or fishing on our beautiful lake. We are looking forward to seeing all of our Camp Chatawa families soon! 

Love in Christ,

Jessica Fayard St. Cyr - Director, Camp Chatawa

Cheri Jeanfreau, Kelly Curtis - Assistant Directors, Camp Chatawa

Erin Gatlin - Activities Coordinator

Contact Us:


Phone: 985-969-7707